Running Knopflerfish
Starting Knopflerfish
The Knopflerfish OSGi framework is distributed as an executable jar file and is started by running java on the framework.jar file in the osgi directory.> cd osgi > java -jar framework.jar
The framework can also be started by double-clicking on the framework.jar file from Finder/Explorer or similar tools, depending on operating system used.
The compact version of the framework is started the same way, but instead of framework.jar the framework_compact.jar file must be used, e.g.
> cd osgi > java -jar framework_compact.jar
It is also possible to start Knopflerfish from the ant build environment. This is typically done when running the Knopflerfish test suite.
The SDK installation starts a default set of bundles, including the Knopflerfish OSGi Desktop bundle and other utilities.
The Knopflerfish framework can be further controlled by: For a complete description of all framework feature please refer to the framework bundle documentation .Knopflerfish command line options
To control the behavior of Knopflerfish OSGi command line options can be supplied. To get help on the framework options, run the framework with the help -jar framework.jar -helpThis prints a help screen (exact contents is version dependent).
java -jar framework.jar -help Knopflerfish OSGi framework launcher, version Copyright 2003-2013 Knopflerfish. All Rights Reserved. See for more information. Usage: java [properties] org.knopflerfish.framework.Main [options] or java [properties] -jar framework.jar [options] or ./kf2 [options] [-- [properties]] [--- [extra]] (*) Options: -exit Exit the JVM process -help Print this text and exit -version Print version and exit -jvminfo Print system and framework properties and exit -sleep SEC Sleep a while before next command. -xargs file Load more command line arguments from file, exit if file cannot be loaded. --xargs file Load more command line arguments from file, continue if file cannot be loaded (but print error) -create Create and initialize a new framework instance after a shutdown. The default is to reuse the old framework instance. -ff FF Specify the name of the FrameworkFactory to use when creating the framework instance. -init Start an empty platform (i.e., clear old presistent data). -launch Launch framework (i.e., start it). -shutdown mSEC Shutdown framework, timeout in milliseconds. -install URL Install a bundle -istart URL Install and start bundle according to activation policy. -start ID Start bundle (according to its activation policy) -start_e ID Start bundle eagerly (i.e., ignore its activation policy) -start_et ID Start bundle eagerly and transiently -start_pt ID Start bundle transiently according to policy -stop ID Stop bundle -stop_t ID Stop bundle transiently (i.e, non-persistent stop) -uninstall ID Uninstall a bundle -update ID Update a bundle -initlevel N Set initial start level for installed bundles -startlevel N Set the beginning start level of the Start Level service Extra: (Only applicable when using ./kf2) -java PATH Use this JVM (Default=java) The default directory used for storing bundle data is "fwdir". (*) Fully R4 compatible, enables support for bootclasspath extension bundles. For extended help and list of all available system properties, see online documentation or visit:
xargs files
The xargs file are Knopflerfish command line options specified in a text file, typically ending in .xargs. This is a convenient method for specifying which bundles to start as well as setting framework properties.
The Knopflerfish SDK includes the following .xargs files by default
- init.xargs
Initial or bootstrap start. Also used as default if no other
xargs argument is given. See also
Initial start vs restart
Generated from (only present in a full source file installation).
- headless.xargs
Initial or bootstrap start to use when running the JVM is
running in headless mode. Same set of bundles as in init.xargs
except that bundles requiring AWT has been commented out.
Generated from (only present in a full source file installation) with "$(AWT)" set to '#'.
- minimal.xargs
- Starts the framework and a minimal set of bundles.
- props.xargs
- One common xargs file that only set properties. Is used, or sourced, by other xargs files.
- remote-init.xargs
- Initial and bootstrap start with bundles loaded from an HTTP URL from a release specific bundle repository, located on, instead of loading from a file URL from the installation.
- init-tests.xargs
- xargs file for the Knopflerfish test suite. Normally invoked via an ant target.
- test-restart1.xargs
- xargs file for the Knopflerfish test suite. Normally invoked via an ant target.
- test-restart2.xargs
- xargs file for the Knopflerfish test suite. Normally invoked via an ant target.
Framework and System Properties
The behavior of Knopflerfish can be further controlled by specifying framework and system properties that are either specified by OSGi or Knopflerfish specific. The framework and system properties are described in detail in the framework bundle documentation .
There is a default properties setting in the props.xargs